Consuming culture gives me energy
As someone born and raised in Helsinki, what makes my hometown special to me is the vibrant cultural scene. Whether it be theatre, music, or food, indulging in these experiences keeps me energised and gives purpose to my life. As chair, it’s refreshing to sometimes step outside of KY's culture and explore what else is out there. As such, I thought I’d share some of my highlights from this year with you, and I hope you enjoy them as much as I do! A few of these picks are also part of KY's culture and equally deserve a mention.
Food to explore
To share my food spots, I have to open my Google Maps and World of Mouth app, where I save everything XD
- La Bottega 13: I randomly had an amazing truffle pasta here one Thursday night after a play at KOM Teatteri. Honestly, I’m still dreaming about the complimentary olives. Their kitchen also stays open until around 10 p.m., which is perfect if your eating schedule leans Southern European. However, it’s a bit pricey.
- Blondie: A slice of New York on Vaasankatu. I had pizza with burrata and an Italian beer, and life was perfect for that hour.
- Bonus - TUAS: My favourite student restaurant! They have great bread, friendly staff, and good lunches and an okay breakfast. Minus points, though, because I’ve never managed to win a free RedBull. :(
This fall, I’ve been trying some new sports while sticking to a few all-time favourites. And, as much as I hate to admit it, just like every middle school textbook (and every Instagram influencer) says, making time for some movement during the week really does boost my energy and mood. I hate even more that my own recommendations feel straight out of the same old school curriculum—but maybe that just means I’m getting old!
- Cross-country skiing: Even though I’m from the south, I can’t wait to get my skis out again! I feel that skiing is the best way to get fresh air during winter, and sauna feels so much better after around 5k-10k in the forest. I like to listen to audio books, like Harry Potter, while skiing but that might be the multitasker in me. I recommend, if there is a chance, to go to the North but the capital region has okay places, for example in Paloheinä.
- Swimming: My best sporting moments this fall has been treating myself to a swim at Allas. I’ve been swimming distance from 800 metres to 1000m after years of not doing distance swims. I’ve gone for a cold plunge and a sauna after, and felt so languid (raukea). I’m hoping to try ice swimming this winter, which makes me sound even older than I am (22).
Books, music, theatre and others
Many don’t know I was a theatre kid back in the day, and I still enjoy going to plays. However, I haven’t seen many recently. So, my overall recommendation for both you and me is to go see more theatre.
- Riikka Pulkkinen: She’s my favorite author, and I’m currently reading her latest book Viimeinen yhteinen leikki. It’s living up to her high standards.
- Boston Promenade: Not a paid promotion, but I’ve been to 3-4 of their shows this year, and I loved every single one. They’ve got a Christmas concert coming up which is definitely worth checking out.
- Larissa Sansour: Her show is now at Amos Rex. It's engaging and thought-provoking. I don’t want to spoil it, so go see it! Just a heads up: some of the topics are a bit dark, so it might make you feel a bit anxious.
Things in my wishlist/coming up
- Riivatut Mashupit can be found from Sound Cloud but they also have live competitions that I certainly want to go and listen in SIltanen.
- I also want to hear SYL’s chair, Akseli Tiitta, play some tunes this year.
- After I finish Viimeinen yhteinen leikki, I’m planning to read Lehmä synnyttää yöllä by Pajtim Statovci. I already bought it from Kirjamessut so now I just have to read faster Pulkkinen’s book. I’ve enjoyed Statovci’s previous books, so I have high hopes for this one.
Closing Thoughts
These are just a few things that inspire and energize me. Let me know if you try any of these – I’d love to hear your thoughts <3